Fitness is contagious
Who are you going to infect?
Imagine if you could catch fitness like you can catch a cold or flu. Well, you can just by hanging out with healthy friends. And it's a good plan for 2012!
A new study of 3610 Aussie women aged 18-46 years revealed that those women who saw themselves as living in a community of active, healthy people were more likely to be fit and healthy themselves.
Get infected with fitness
If you are not so fit, make 2012 the year you start to hang out with healthy people. Call Deb at Step into Life Glenmore Park to take care of that. You'll be mixing with people who make wellbeing a priority and you'll pick up on their positive vibes.
Also, find a friend who walks, runs, swims or cycles and ask if you can join them. Sure, you might feel a little awkward at first if they have to slow down for you. But they'll get a buzz from the company and helping you get fitter, so as Nike says, "Just do it!"
Start sneezing vitality
If you are fit, think of how many people you can infect with your vitality. Every person around you that you spread the fitness bug to will in turn help motivate you and motivate others. This builds your fitness community of support.
Recommending a Metabolic Jumpstart to your family, friends or workmates will also take care of the eating side of things and add an extra boost of motivation.
Sneeze away in 2012 .....